Note: If you select a table from the Origin drop-down list, the entries in the Standard library (assignment) and the Replace symbols (assignment) are automatically updated. User library: Library that in the comparison was shown to contain 'different' customer symbols.Replace symbols: Library for all exceptions (composite symbols) found based on the default assignment table (write-protected).Standard library: Library for all standard cases that can be assigned using the default table (write-protected).The following information is displayed in a similar way for the Assignment field: Origin: The assignment table used for assigning symbols.Though not mandatory, you are encouraged to follow the convention in order to take full advantage of the AutoCAD Electrical features. Path: File path where the EPLAN 5 symbol file was originally saved (write-protected) AutoCAD Electrical Symbol Libraries Symbol file names should conform to the AutoCAD Electrical naming convention.EPLAN 5 symbol file: Name of the symbol file in EPLAN 5 (write-protected).

The data displayed under Source have the following significance: If the program knows the origin of the symbol library, then the assignment occurs automatically and this is displayed with a check mark under Status.

If the check box is deselected, then only the first existing variant will be copied.This tab is used to assign symbols to the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries used in the selected macros. Select the check box in the With variants field if the symbol should be copied together with its existing variants.