
Eplan Electrical Symbol Library
Eplan Electrical Symbol Library

Eplan Electrical Symbol Library

Note: If you select a table from the Origin drop-down list, the entries in the Standard library (assignment) and the Replace symbols (assignment) are automatically updated. User library: Library that in the comparison was shown to contain 'different' customer symbols.Replace symbols: Library for all exceptions (composite symbols) found based on the default assignment table (write-protected).Standard library: Library for all standard cases that can be assigned using the default table (write-protected).The following information is displayed in a similar way for the Assignment field: Origin: The assignment table used for assigning symbols.Though not mandatory, you are encouraged to follow the convention in order to take full advantage of the AutoCAD Electrical features. Path: File path where the EPLAN 5 symbol file was originally saved (write-protected) AutoCAD Electrical Symbol Libraries Symbol file names should conform to the AutoCAD Electrical naming convention.EPLAN 5 symbol file: Name of the symbol file in EPLAN 5 (write-protected).

Eplan Electrical Symbol Library

The data displayed under Source have the following significance: If the program knows the origin of the symbol library, then the assignment occurs automatically and this is displayed with a check mark under Status.

Eplan Electrical Symbol Library

If the check box is deselected, then only the first existing variant will be copied.This tab is used to assign symbols to the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries used in the selected macros. Select the check box in the With variants field if the symbol should be copied together with its existing variants.

Eplan Electrical Symbol Library

  • In the Description field enter a descriptive text for the symbol.
  • In the Name field enter the symbol name by overwriting the default for copies in symbol libraries where this name already exists or if no symbol exists with this name).
  • In the Number field overwrite the default or open the drop-down list of unallocated numbers.
  • Select the symbol library to which you would like to copy the symbols under Target in the Copy symbols dialog: Open the drop-down list in the Symbol library field.
  • In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol(s) you would like to copy.
  • Select the following menu items: Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Copy.
  • You have opened a project and at least one symbol library. When copying symbols an exact copy of the original symbol is created and it is possible to transfer symbols from one symbol library to another.

    Eplan Electrical Symbol Library